Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone

Next Intention x Never Before

Bred by Lindner Showpigs

Stress:    EN:    Reg#:


Next Intention x Never Before

Bred by Lindner Show Pigs

$100,000 Kings of the Hill Pig Sale #1

From the heart of Comfort, Texas——COMFORT ZONE is our $100,000 purchase from Lindner Showpigs at the ‘23 King’s of The Hill #1 sale! We saw COMFORT ZONE early prior to The Established and COMFORT ZONE hit us extremely hard. When we saw him again at Kings #1 we were locked in!!!

COMFORT ZONE is an absolute MAN and is so unique in his ability to offer ideal proportions and length and extension off both ends of his skeleton while still bringing grow-power. He has an ENORMOUS back, big-barreled rib-cage and transitions back to a steer-like hip! He comes and goes with the kind of width and power necessary to win big shows, all while maintaining looseness of skeleton and range of motion to a high degree and stands on MASSIVE legs and huge toes! As the icing on the cake, COMFORT ZONE has the dark, dense shag that would make all the steer guys in Cowtown drool!!!

COMFORT ZONE is backed by a bulletproof kind of genetic package and comes from a firm that consistently wins time and time again! He is a Next Intention x Never Before, which obviously combines two of the very best animals that we have ever housed at PBG! That genetic combination has been so successful for so many years, and we truly believe that COMFORT ZONE can continue building on the legendary careers of those boars represented in his pedigree! There is no guesswork here—COMFORT ZONE’S pedigree is as proven as it gets, and he comes from a program that is consistently getting pictures taken with big banners!!!

COMFORT ZONE has that look of a generator that will have offspring hitting the backdrop at a very consistent clip! He’s one of our favorites we have in stud and we are confident he can get you to the next level in a hurry!!!

2025 Spring In Season
(Jan 16 - Apr 13)
(After 11am)
Last Call
(After 2pm)