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Meet Your Maker
Meet Your Maker
Point Maker x Augusta
Bred by Steve & LaurieHannon
Stress: NEG EN: 1-2 Reg#: 482790002
MEET YOUR MAKER is our $10,000 Point Maker x Augusta Hampshire (off-belt in the Crossbred show) purchase from Steve & Laurie Hannon. The cleanest jointed squarest made Hampshire we have seen with this much bone. MONSTER legged. If he sires his feet and legs into his babies this could be really fun. It is an absolute blast watching him prowl around the yard. He is as good and sure footed a Hampshire as we have seen in a long while.
Meet Your Maker had a nice run at the summer Nationals with Reserve Champion Hampshire Gilt @ NJSS & Reserve Hamp Barrow Team Purebred Nationals.

Reserve Grand Champion
2014 New York State Fair Open Show
Bred by: Andy Bontrager
Sired by: Meet Your Maker