Reference Only
Dang Good Hog x Unstoppable
Bred by Frank Sandall & Family
Stress: NEG EN: 5-3 Reg#: 43387003
Titleist is our $7500 Private Treaty purchase from the Sandall Family. Stress Negative son of Dang Good Hog on an Unstoppable dam. Littermate to the gilts that did very well on the 2013 circuit for the Sandalls and sold for $4500 to Hirschfeld privately and JR Armstrong purchased the other for $1600 at the STC.
We knew from his video he was impeccable in his structure. The way he reaches and grabs the ground on his back two is pretty rare in the Poland breed in our opinion. What we didn't know from the video was that he would be bringing the massive top and rib that he has. This guy can absolutely float all day and has an up-headed look-at-me presence. Don’t miss out on one of the most uniquely sound yet powerfully attractive Polands we have seen for a LONG time.
Following the trend of a great female behind them, Titleist is out of the Unstoppable gilt Hayden purchased from ASI that was 3rd Overall @ Springfield and Champion Poland & Reserve Overall Gilt @ Nebraska State Fair 4-H.
Titleist consistently sires power and muscle on an up-headed package. Hayden Sandall was named Premier Sire and produced the Champion Boar @ NBS, a Reserve Overall with his Titelist gilt on the Nebraska circuit, and the Reserve Gilt Iowa FFA.

Champion Poland Barrow
Putnam County Fair
Shown by: Dalton Scott
Bred by: Nick Scott and Family
Sired by: Titleist

Overall Grand Champion breeding Gilt
River Regional Livestock Expo
Shown by: Zach Ledbetter
Bred by: Alex Walls
Sired by: Titleist

Champion Poland Barrow
Putnam County Fair
Shown by: Dalton Scott
Bred by: Nick Scott and Family
Sired by: Titleist

Champion Poland Barrow
Putnam County Fair
Shown by: Dalton Scott
Bred by: Nick Scott and Family
Sired by: Titleist