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Make Believe
Make Believe
Believe In Me x Lock It Up x Bone Thug
Bred by Weisinger Farms
Stress: NEG EN: Reg#:
MAKE BELIEVE!! This is an elite Believe In Me son we purchased from Weisinger Farms on a late Spring trip!! We’d been hearing about how good this one is for awhile as MAKE BELIEVE is the oldest of our newest additions from Weisinger Farms and had already started seeing heavy use there! Not only is he sired by the great Believe In Me, but also his dam is an elite Lock It Up x Bone Thug sow that is proving to be a tremendous generator!! This Lock It Up sow would be a littermate to Carter Hoge’s 2017 WPX Reserve Grand Overall (Champion Heavyweight) Crossbred Barrow and Nolan Hoge’s 2017 WPX Reserve Heavyweight Crossbred Gilt!! Additionally, his grandmother was the 2014 Illinois State Fair Reserve Grand Overall Gilt and is the mother of 20/20. Incredible sows are absolutely packed in MAKE BELIEVE’s pedigree, giving us even more confidence in his generating ability as a sire!! This one is so good, he is MAKE BELIEVE!!
MAKE BELIEVE is so unique in the view he gives from the side! He is rocket fronted, dead level in his build and has a long, level hip design. As he drives directly at you, he blows you away with a massive chest floor that is opened from the base of his chest and maintains through his knee to the ground. MAKE BELIEVE has a crisp turn to his loin with a deep groove running all the way back. He is a heavy boned boar with a big forearm, while still maintaining strangers to his pasterns. We think MAKE BELIEVE has a chance to crank out champions at a very high rate. One look at him and you’ll be hooked—MAKE BELIEVE!!