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Wags x Kiss My Socks
Bred by Heimer Hampshires
Stress: NEG EN: Reg#:
(Wags x Kiss My Socks)
Bred By: Heimer Hampshires
Stress Negative
BILLIONS is our $42,000 Perfect Timing purchase from Heimer Hampshires!! Talking with Jesse prior to PT, he indicated that he was taking some WAGS sons to the sale that he thought he were elite. With the tremendous success WAGS has experienced, finding a great son has been a priority and when we saw BILLIONS at PT, we knew there was no doubt we were looking at the WAGS son we needed to own!! We think BILLIONS has the ability to generate dominant barrows, boars, and gilts!!
BILLIONS is very sharp in his look, being tall at the point of his shoulder, dead level in his build with a long hip that allows him to plant and drive with comfort and tremendous range of motion! AS he drives at you, he gives you an unforgettable look being big chested and bold with power and width! He stands on big legs and big feet, with very strong pasterns. As you get on top of him, he is very expressive in his muscle pattern with a big, square back!! BILLIONS demonstrates supreme show hog presence and build and has what it takes to get you big banners!! An incredibly impressive weanling that has matured into an even more impressive mature boar from a firm synonymous with winning big shows!! BILLIONS!!

Grand Champion Barrow
Callaway County Block And Bridle
Shown by: Lydia Nolting
Bred by: Gerke
Sired by: Billions