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Enough Said
Enough Said
Cruel Intentions x Creul Intentions' Dam
Bred by Brockman Farms
Stress: CAR EN: Reg#:
ENOUGH SAID is a young boar we bought from Brockman Farms on the same trip that we purchased Next Intention and Believe In Me!! Cruel has blazed a trail winning big hog shows and stamping them in a very unique mold! ENOUGH SAID comes from one of the most elite litters we have had the opportunity to see and yet was a stand-out due to his signature "CRUEL" look and build and was packing some major heat!!!
ENOUGH SAID is so unique in the build and presence he offers from the profile! He is pulled apart in his blade and offers a big square chest. ENOUGH SAID is overwhelming in the sheer muscle and expression he offers. As he drives away, he is so impressive in the view he offers being wide-based, muscular in his
hip and rump, while maintaining squareness and flexibility!
Barrows that come out of the gate looking like ENOUGH SAID go to the pen very quickly and then they head to the back-drop!!!
ENOUGH SAID has been tremendously popular on tours all summer and we think he provides a tremendous opportunity to tap into a masterpiece of a
boar backed by a pedigree that is as cool as any we can imagine!

4th Overall
Summer Showdown
Shown by: Colt Reed
Bred by: DBoyer
Sired by: Enough Said

Grand Champion Barrow
Vermillion County Fair
Shown by: Easton Hicks
Bred by: Boling
Sired by: Enough Said

Reserve Grand Champion Barrow
Shown by: Hayden Fox
Bred by: Boling
Sired by: Enough Said

Grand Champion Market Hog
Levenworh County Spring Show
Shown by: Reed Hurt
Bred by: Leck
Sired by: Enough Said

3rd Overall Market Hog
Shelby County Jackpot
Shown by: Hayden Fox
Bred by: Boling
Sired by: Enough Said

5th Overall Cross Gilt
Tennessee Crossbred Classic
Shown by: Langley Vernon
Bred by: Laird
Sired by: Enough Said

Grand Champion Market Hog
Charles City Jackpot
Shown by: Hayden Fox
Bred by: Boling
Sired by: Enough Said

Grand Champion Market Hog
Nashua-Plainfield Jackpot
Shown by: Hayden Fox
Bred by: Boling
Sired by: Enough Said

3rd Overall Gilt
FJSC Spring Fling
Shown by: Ellie Smith
Bred by: Laird
Sired by: Enough Said

Grand Champion Open Swine
South Carolina School For Agriculture
Shown by: Luke Vernon
Bred by: Laird
Sired by: Enough Said

2nd Place - Sale Qualifying Gilt
San Antonio Gilt Show
Shown by: Katelyn Kirby
Bred by: Laird
Sired by: Enough Said