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Hall Pass
Hall Pass
Lock It Up x Breaking Rules's Mother
Bred by Knauth Showpigs
Stress: CAR EN: N/A Reg#: N/A
HALL PASS is one of the most eye-catching Crossbred Boars we have seen!!! We were thrilled to purchase a pair of boars from Knauth’s that we believe can take it to the next level!! HALL PASS hit us extremely hard and we knew that he was one that we absolutely had to own!! HALL PASS is one of our favorite boars of any breed that we have on stud!!
The genetic makeup of HALL PASS offers as much predictability to make dominating show hogs as you can get, being sired by the living legend Lock It Up and out of the mother of the highly successful and popular Breaking Rules. The combination of phenotypic and genetic greatness made the purchase of HALL PASS a very easy decision!!
HALL PASS is an absolute freak that is still awesome in his skeletal build, feet and legs, and offers extreme comfort level on the move. He offers as much unique look, extension and elevation as any boar we have ever owned. With that, he is enormous in his chest floor, bold in his rib and body shape with spread and power throughout!! He is loaded with shape and expression that is laid across his skeleton correctly, allowing him to maintain superior comfort and flexibility as he drives around the yard.
We are frequently told by visitors that they really liked his picture but love him in person. We are not sure we have seen a boar that has this much look and comes at as wide chested with as much back-shape as HALL PASS. HALL PASS can make boars, barrows, and gilts that get it done on the very biggest stages.
HALL PASS will take you anywhere you want to go!!!

5th Overall Market Gilt
Georgia National
Shown by: Nicole Martin
Bred by: Knauth Showpigs
Sired by: Hall Pass

Grand champion market gilt
Greene County Fair 4 h
Shown by: Maylee Koons
Bred by: Deckardshowpigs
Sired by: Hall Pass

Grand Champion Overall Barrow
Kentucky State Fair
Shown by: Brayden Lancaster
Bred by: Knauth Showpigs
Sired by: Hall Pass