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Family Man
Family Man
Family Ties x Duke x Spanish Fly
Bred by Mauck Show Hogs
Stress: NEG EN: Reg#:
Family Ties x Duke x Spanish Fly
Bred by Mauck Show Hogs
On our trip to Mauck's this spring, we were blown away by the young boars they had on feed. FAMILY MAN was one that hit us extremely hard from a sheer build and construction standpoint. He is so square and three dimensional from the base of his skeleton front to rear and ground up! In addition to his phenotypic strengths, his genetic background reads as predictable as can be!
Being sired by our very popular Family Ties and out of Dirty Love’N 's mom, makes him one of those "no brainer" purchases that are built and bred to fit a wide variety of sows, while consistently producing deep, high quality litters that feed, perform, and win big shows!! We are pumped up about the potential of FAMILY MAN!!
FAMILY MAN immediately grabs your attention as he drives right at you bold and busted open in his chest. As you step back and analyze him from the side, he reads as a very proportionate hog that is tall shouldered, level in his design, with a long hip that allows him to each and grab a gear when set in motion! He offers a very expressive muscle pattern and is bold and robust through the center portion of his body.
A genetic & phenotypic stud!! FAMILY MAN has the potential to do big things going forward!