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Green Card
Green Card
No Mas x Best Man (Sites Sow)
Bred by Coulson Showpigs
Stress: NEG EN: Reg#:
No Mas x Best Man (Sites Sow)
Bred by Coulson Showpigs
GREEN CARD is another young sire that we are extremely excited about! Sired by the popular and highly successful No Mas and out of the Site's Best Man sow at Coulson's that has been a key sow for them gives us supreme confidence in what GREEN CARD can so as a big-time sire!!
Visually, GREEN CARD offers a tremendous combination of elite show hog build, design, and presence with the type of shape, spread and dimension it takes to get it done!! He is a great looking boar when viewed from the side being elevated, dead level, and attractive. He offers the immense spread and power over the top side of his skeleton that NO MAS is known for! He stands on really good bone and foot-size and reads stout from every angle.
GREEN CARD is opened-up and square coming and going, and truly impresses from all angles in being one of those truly complete boars with the extras that will consistently generate the "right kind" that it takes to win at the highest levels of competition.
Backed by a tremendous breeding program at Coulson's that is synonymous with excellence, GREEN CARD is a young boar that we think has tremendous potential!!!