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Last Word

Last Word

No Words x Road Trip

Bred by Jennings Showpigs

Stress: CAR    EN: 18-3    Reg#: 171990003


No Words x Road Trip 4-3

Bred By: Jennings Showpigs

Stress Carrier EN: 18-3

We were on a search for a Spotted boar that offered some unique, far reaching breeding pieces to work back on Momentum and Full Throttle daughters and believe we have found the perfect option in LAST WORD!! The Jennings Showpigs crew in Oklahoma has been doing big things in the spotted breed, most notably Hunter McKinnon’s 2018 WPX Grand Overall Breeds Barrow! Last Word is sired by the extremely popular No Words boar at TKO that is off to a fast start and looks to have a very promising career as a sire! When Brady sent us the video of this boar, we were very impressed and added the stop along the way on our trip Oklahoma and Texas to see him and seal the deal.

Last Words is a power hog that is burly and stout in his skeleton. He offers true shape and expression with a deep groove running down his back. He is a bold chested, big bladed boar that maintains power and width from the front of his skeleton to his hip. Last Word still motors off his hind leg with authority and plants and drives very square and correct. Last Word is a Spot boar to breed to those basic, good built sows that need more “extras” in terms of look, width and muscle shape! We believe Last Word has a chance to make some big time noise in the Spotted breed!