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Cool Cell
Cool Cell
Super Cell x The Grizz
Bred by New Wave Genetics
Stress: NEG EN: 4-1 Reg#: 531068001
Unfortunately Cool Cell passed away on April 2014
We certainly have great respect and admiration for the Yorkshire breed but it is not one that we breed on a daily basis so we asked several Yorkshire breeders what they would be looking for in a Yorkshire boar to breed to their sows. The response was pretty consistent– get their pasterns up off the ground, moderate them so they don’t have to be 350 lbs to finish out, and get rid of their "jump" muscle. WELL - HERE YOU GO.
To say we are very happy to have Cool Cell tucked away, settled in, and ready to roll would be a large understatement. He is moderate in his build, very wide and true front to rear, and boasts a very thick, expressive top that we think reads winning York showpigs.
The traits that we think make him so unique for the Yorkshire breed are his expressive muscle shape, and that he has this shape without being too rigid or jumpy in his ham/loin junction. This guy also has an incredible appetite and has gotten better and better since we got him home!
A very unique Yorkshire boar that we think can do many things to improve the next generation! Cool Cell has been popular since we got him but he has a near cult-like following in certain areas. Reports this Spring indicate that he is not disappointing his fan-base. Gracie Flaspohler showed her Cool Cell to Grand Overall Gilt @ Franklin Co (IN) 4H, Cool Cell also sired New Wave Genetics boar @ STC selling to LVS.