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Box Office
Box Office
Jack In the Box x First Take
Bred by Kneese Showpigs
Stress: NEG EN: 89-2 Reg#: 153681002
BOX OFFICE!!! What an incredible Chester boar!
We thought BOX OFFICE was one of the elite Chester boars we had seen when we purchased him from Russell last spring and he has certainly lived up to our expectations with a truly remarkable run @ the 2020 Texas Majors so far.
San Antonio Champion Gilt
San Angelo Champion Gilt
San Angelo Champion Barrow
San Antonio Reserve Champion Barrow
Ft. Worth Reserve Champion Gilt
When we purchased BOX OFFICE, we thought he was the best Chester boar we had seen and had a chance to have a significant impact in the Chester breed! HE HAS DELIVERED! One of the most impressive runs by any of our boars at the biggest shows in the country!
BOX OFFICE has all the elite traits you could want in one package & is one of those rare sires that stamps them just like him no matter the genetic or phenotypic mating!
BOX OFFICE is an incredible specimen that has had a year that is truly remarkable!! ELITE BOAR!!!! Thanks to Russell for the opportunity to bring BOX OFFICE to PBG!