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Brake Check
Brake Check
Blocked Caller x He's The One
Bred by Flaspohler
Stress: NEG EN: 25-1 Reg#: 395339001
Blocked Caller x He’s The One
Bred by Flaspohler
EN:25-1 Reg# 395339001
BRAKE CHECK is our 2018 STC $20,000 purchase from the Flaspohler Family! While watching the Duroc show, we felt there was an incredibly unique boar. We weren’t really looking for another Red, but when one comes along that is so different, unique, and far reaching, we knew we had to own him! Brake Check is one that puts together a lot of extreme traits into a package that is still very sound, flexible, and structurally correct. In addition to all his phenotypic traits, Brake Check has a unique twist on the top side of his pedigree, making him a must use on several popular lines in the breed!
Brake Check is unreal in his look and elevation through his front 1/3. With his extreme elevation, he still maintains proper angulation to his shoulder and curvature to his forearm. He reads with awesome stoutness of skull and feature. He has big legs, is very heavy boned with big, evenly spaced toes. When you get on top of him, he overwhelms you with his big, square back with a ditch running all the way back to his hip. As he drives right at you he is busted open from the base of his chest, through his knee to the ground, maintaining perfect squareness throughout this transition.
Brake Check summer was highlighted by the Expo 3rd Overall Div 2 as well as the Ohio State Fair Champion Open Show Duroc Barrow