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Dirty Secret x Sky's The Limit
Bred by Heimer Hampshires
Stress: NEG EN: Reg#:
With the tremendous success of Dirty Secret, we knew we wanted to add elite sons to offer to our customers and we targeted one of the guys that knew him best! Jesse and the crew at Heimer Hampshires have been on a dominating run in recent months, and the success he has experienced with Dirty Secret offspring has been very impressive to watch.We knew we needed to prioritize finding an ELITE Dirty Secret at HH, and can say with confidence that we purchased 2 incredible littermate sons – DARK SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL. Their pedigree reads Dirty Secret x Sky’s The Limit x Mountain Man x Swagger (Miss Abby). An amazing pair of boars backed by years of predictability in their pedigree, we have tremendous faith that these boars will make a lasting impact. The crew at HH have loads of confidence in the generating ability of these boars and we greatly appreciate the opportunity to bring them to PBG!
Confidential is a freak of nature in his stoutness, bulk, and feature. Opened up as he drives right at you with a big, square chest! He is big and bold in his forearm and foot, with huge legs. He is tremendous in the spring to his rib and depth of body.He is short backed, but remains long and level out of his hip with a great hind leg! Confidential is very expressive in his shape up high with a ditch running from the back side of his blade to his big, square hip. Confidential is one we think has a ton of value on those bigger outlined, more feminine females that need added mass and overall power, while maintaining the look and build necessary to win at the highest levels!