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Mark'd Man
Mark'd Man
Look At Me x Unreal
Bred by Mark Long
Stress: NEG EN: 4-3 Reg#: 480627003
From his massive shoulder thru his barrel rib and huge top, back to his huge hip, this is one of the most unique Hampshire boars we have seen. There are parts here that we think can do some SERIOUS changing in the Hampshire breed. Mark’d Man traces back to Mark Long’s famous Black Oak sow that has been as influential in the Hampshire breed for the last 5-10 years as any we know of. Another example of a great boar with Hall Of Fame female blood-lines backing him up.
We hate to be redundant in describing him but -LOOK AT THAT FOREARM AND MASSIVE RIB AND HOW IT EXPLODES – (REPEAT AGAIN FOR EMPHASIS) - EXPLODES - ALL THE WAY BACK TO HIS HUGE STIFLE.. There was a pretty cool time not long ago when the Hampshire breed had a large group of very interesting and independent breeders who were constantly reaching out and trying things that they believed would make the Hampshire breed better. The night before the Indiana State Fair Hampshire show there would be huge groups getting boars out and studying and discussing them well into the morning. We think it would be an absolute blast seeing them study Mark’d Man .
There are good cool-looking boars that take an awesome picture if you hit them for the absolute right nano-second and then there are BREEDING PIECES. We think Mark’d Man has some things that give him a shot to be a truly unique breeding piece in the Hampshire breed. We know we have never seen one like him!!!
Mark’d Man’s first babies look flat out incredible—stout, moderate, massive and huge boned. Maybe 2 of the best Hampshire litters we have started and we have had calls from customers with the same report - STOUT, MODERATE, MASSIVE BONED.
Mark’d Man scored a great win with Champion Hampshire Gilt Iowa FFA.